Episode #9: The Fight for Fair Fees: Small businesses & credit card processing

THE GRASSROOTS PODCAST Episode 9: The Fight for Fair Fees: Small businesses & credit card processing

Credit card processing fees (swipe fees) are typically ranked in Grassroots Retailer's top 4 expenses, just behind cost of goods sold, payroll, rent/mortgage. In fact, swipe fees cost American businesses approximately $165 billion annually. Swipe fees are also an expense where retailers have no recourse or negotiating power. In this episode, hear how one retailer,⁠ Sarah McDonald of Out There Outfitters⁠, stepped up to work with the National Retail Federation to help pass legislation introducing reforms that have the potential to save American businesses and consumers an estimated $15 billion per year. In this episode, you will also learn how YOU too can get engaged and support the Fight for Fair Fees!

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